M.A. Manuel Bruns

Doctoral candidate

After completing my B.A. in Sociology, I pursued further studies at the University of Konstanz while working as a research assistant at the Chair of Microsociology. I obtained my Master’s degree by submitting a thesis on the “Change in the Religiosity of New Immigrants from Four Countries of Origin in Germany”. The study was based on longitudinal data from the ENTRA project (Recent Immigration Processes and Early Integration Trajectories in Germany).

Currently, since April 2023, I am employed as a research associate and doctoral candidate at the Technical University of Munich. Here, I work on the “BesserLesen” project, which examines the applications of artificial intelligence in children’s language development. My responsibilities include collecting longitudinal data on the development of reading skills, reading motivation, and the self-concept of reading in children.

  • socio-eonomical disparities regarding access to digital applications and services
  • social consequences of AI-appliances, with a focus on education
  • longitudinal methods and survey methods